Monday, November 5, 2007

Knowledge from GCSE subject - Religious Studies

I acquired knowledge about aspects of different religious around the world in Religious Studies, which I studied for my GCSE course. The beliefs of each religion all vary because they have different ‘truths’ regarding something, such as God. This truth is what makes the religion all individual and unique. For example, in Hinduism, people are not allowed to eat beef, but in Islam, they can eat beef but not pork. This is due to the quality of animals that each religion see and how sacred they are from their perspective. Another example is, depending on which denomination of Christianity you are in, you are allowed or definitely not allowed to divorce. This is also about perspective that lies in Christianity: some believe marriage has to last for life, and others believe they should be given a second chance as everybody makes mistakes in their lives.
I’ve learnt that especially studying at KGV, where people from all over the country come and study, it is very important for me to understand different religion’s perspectives and be able to appreciate them. When I graduate, there is a high chance that I have to work with more numbers of people from all over the world – and Religious Studies has made me prepared to go out and know one’s belief, and be able to acknowledge it. I thought the subject was extremely useful and interesting, as I got to know the lives of people who are dedicated to different Gods.

1 comment:

Steve Burnett said...

Really interesting.Thanks!You show an excellent understanding of the importance of other people's perspective.Is R.S.knowledge propositonal,experiential or practical?