Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pick one of your GCSE/IB subjects...What sorts of 'knowledge' and/or 'truths' does this subject convey?

I have chosen biology. It is a subject that not only conveys the way in which the organism operates, but it is also a combination of every other subject known, whether in a vitally or not. Biology is actually a large theory in the form of a subject- it teaches us about the distribution of living things, their evolution and the way every living thing we have today came into form. However, it has modernised. Today all of the topics into 3 main sections: cell theory, evolution, genetics and homeostasis.

Biology is propositional, experiential and practical knowledge. We learn something from all of these. Scientists today are researching on how we came into existence, but no one has ever come to a conclusion where they can actually explain the forming of the very first being. Therole of biology here, is that it gives us little clues to move us on on the research. Of course if you are religious, we would believe that there was a reason laid out by God, he just wants us to find it as humans.

1 comment:

Steve Burnett said...

Fine Shivani.In this subject it is good to find examples to explain your point of view - actually true of all subjects!You haven't really done that. You have opened up a really interesting topic - the ongoing battle between religious belief and the sciences.