Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pick one of your GCSE/IB subjects...What sorts of 'knowledge' and/or 'truths' doesthis subject convey?
The sucject I have chosen is History, i believe it conveys knowledge as it provides uswith information of the past for example the events that took place etc. But if we were to think about what truths this subject conveys we could argue that many of these sourcesthat we have studied may not be reliable.

It is a great source of knowledge as we can look into the past and ensure that we won't repeat the same mistakes and prevent unnecessary wars. I think it is a really important subject as it helps us understand how the different countries are the way they are now.

The truth of this subject is questionable; it is all up to what you believe and how you have interpreted it. For example some people may say that Hitler was an amazing leader, History will provide us with the knowledge as to what has happened. But whether it is true or not will be up to how we interpret it.

However the information could also be distorted, as the information has been passed on from generation to generation (a bit like Chinese whispers) and the information recorded may be biased to the opposing side depending on the source of this information.

1 comment:

Steve Burnett said...

Excellent analysis and some interesting ideas.So does history use experiential,propositional or practical knowledge?