Friday, November 2, 2007

Pick one of your GCSE/IB subjects...What sorts of 'knowledge' and/or 'truths' does this subject convey?

I picked History and it is a very easy but complex subject. It’s easy to learn about history and what happened in the past but its difficult to actually trust what is considrerd to be history and events that happened and specific people who did things. Its very easy to question the reliability of all sources since History is based on propositional knowledge which could be linked with practical and experimental- because of the people who lived during the time and came face to face with dilemmas and things like that. I think that History’s truths are based on what people say happened, not what actually happened because there is no omniscient narrator in this world (I don’t think).

1 comment:

Steve Burnett said...

Short, sweet and very much to the point.(That is experiential knowledge by the way!)I just get the feeling that you are sitting on the fence a little here..and you should get down from it!Are there really no historical truths? Did you know that in certain countries it is a criminal offence to deny the existence of the Holocaust?(Sorry I can't remember which but to me that's totally fascinating!)