Monday, November 5, 2007

Pick one of your GCSE/IB subjects...What sorts of 'knowledge' and/or 'truths' does this subject convey?

I Chose Science to discuss about what sorts of ‘knowledge and/or ‘truths’ does this subject convey because it involves many sorts of ‘knowledge’.

Throughout this GCSE course, we had to read facts and truths that scientists had recorded in the past, they have also proved what they have found out to be ‘true’ by doing practical experiments. By that we can solely see each of the ‘knowledge’ and/or ‘truth’ this subject conveys, it has ‘experiential knowledge’ which involves us experiencing how they prove the facts by teaching us how to do the ‘practical’ experiments so we can also see that that the ‘prepositional knowledge’ is true.

‘Science’ in this world itself is evolving. It constantly tries to improve the way how human beings live in this world by inventing more and more ways to ease our way through lives. But is the result of it treating our world in a good and satisfying manner?

1 comment:

Steve Burnett said...

Very good.You explore the ways in which Science works and the kind of knowledge it uses - and you leave an interesting question at the end